Face Eaters
The World Premiere of Face Eaters took place at The Chocolate Factory Theater, 38-33 24th Street, Long Island City.
2024 - May - 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, & 25 7pm
The third evening length piece in the ‘Whoops!’ saga following KLUTZ (2018, Abrons Arts Center), and junkhead (2019, Brooklyn Studios for Dance) – Face Eaters, while entirely a Total Theater Mess, is also part haunted house of never-ending endings, part operatic home movie nightmare, and part decrypted love poem to the dead. Dwelling in the zeitgeist of never as ineffable “autobiography”, Face Eaters features some words from creator Alex Romania’s late brother Zachary Romania, some remixed video inspired by collaborations with the late Taylor Sakarett, and monologues featuring the no-town non-performance legend Arthur Romania otherwise known as toxic cream cheese face rambler or Alex Romania’s father. In the desire to unfix time, Face Eaters considers feelings of impossible loss as the psychedelics of the everyday drift through the absurd…a sheet in love with a smoking hot mattress, a beloved futon’s hellish aria, a collection of alternative identities, a chaos meditation, ashen breath and performance for the end times.
Welcome to your vacation,
apocalypse nostalgia,
come get some.
Created and performed by Alex Romania in deep collaboration with Stacy Lynn Smith, Shane Jones, Nazareth Hassan, and Arthur Romania; with contributions by the late Zachary Romania and Taylor Sakarett. Lighting design: Wesley Bryon. Video tech: Glenn Potter-Takata.
For More video documentation visit the Chocolate Factory Theater’s page.
For bookings contact alexjromania@gmail.com